Webinar CRAVEzero

On Thursday, June 24, 2020, More and Moretti SpA, together with AEE – INTEC, eurac research, Fraunhofer ISE, ATP sustain, Bouygues, SKANSKA SE, Moretti, 3i, Köhler & Meinzer organize a webinar with the title:
WEBINAR CRAVEzero – Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings
Presentation and discussion of the results from the Horizon 2020 project ““, Wednesday, 24 June 2020 – 9:00 (UTC + 02:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome Stockholm, Vienna | 2 hours
Effective processes, robust solutions, new business models and reliable life cycle costs, supporting user engagement and investors’ confidence towards net zero balance.
CRAVEzero focuses on proven and new approaches to reduce the costs of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs) at all stages of the life cycle. The main goal is to identify and eliminate the extra costs for nZEBs related to processes, technologies, building operation, and to promote innovative business models taking into account the cost-effectiveness for all the stakeholders.
The CRAVEzero pinboard ( is a structured framework organizing all needed information and tools to build reliable low life cycle cost nZEBs. It comprises all major results and outcomes. It thereby is an interactive support web tool for most of the involved stakeholders. The aim is to provide the user with all necessary information, online and downloadable tools and databases to develop specific low LCC nZEB business models and technology sets suitable for different building types in different climate regions. In the webinar the main components will been shown and explained to enable the participants in efficiently using the pinboard in their own work.